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Use local produce to make these delicious dishes

Fisherman’s Pie

Recipe provided by Shetland chef, James Martin

“Get kids involved making simple fish dishes and I bet they will be more interested in cooking our local produce as they grow older.”


Marian Armitage, cook, award-winning author and chair of the Shetland Food and Drink Association

“With seafood as fresh as Shetland’s, there’s no need for complexity, keep the preparation simple and let the natural flavours shine through.”

Scallops on smoked haddock carbonara

Recipe provided by Raymond Smith, chef, lecturer and assessor at Shetland College UHI Hospitality Department

This is an easy recipe for cooking at home, and makes one very generous portion.

Thai green fish curry

Recipe provided by Glynn Wright, Shetland Professional Chef

This is not only simple and tasty, it can be cooked and served in a matter of minutes. Serve with rice, pappadums and/or naan bread.

Where can I buy Shetland Seafood